Saturday, July 30, 2011

So this is me

So hi all!  Some of you are here because you followed from my other blog.  I had to stop writing there because people are mean.  Long story, not gonna get into it...but lets just say the mean people got to stay in Iowa and that's punishment befitting of mean people.  Some of you are here because you were lucky enough to come across me.  You have no idea how happy you should be.  I suggest jumping around to show your happiness.  Then email me a picture of you jumping around so I know how happy you are.

So my name is Sara Jean.  Everyone calls me Sara.  Except my husband, grandmother, and mother call me Sara Jean.  I don't know why no one else calls me by my full name.  They just don't.  I have a friend named Jeremy who calls me Jelly Bean, cause it rhymes with Sara Jean.  He's still in Iowa too....but not cause hes mean.  This is me.

I have a husband named Dan.  Not to be confused with my ex-husband, Daniel.  Or my oldest friend and penpal Daniel.  Or this dude named Danny that works at the Mother-Fucking Stop and Go down the street.  It's all kinds of confusing.  Good thing I am smart.  Dan and I have been married over three years.  We love each other.  I feel I have to say this because there are many people out there who don't love me, and he does, which is awesome.  Although I am pretty sure the only people out there who don't love me are stupid.  Or live in Iowa and have had all their intelligence sucked out of them with the humidity and Cedar Rapids farts.  I could be wrong.  This is him.  And me.  He's super handsome.

I have a dog named Sassy.  She's a Shih Tzu.  Her birthday is May Day and she's 7 years old.  She loves me.  But she loves everyone.  This is her in winter.  She's the best.

I have a kitty cat named Bandit.  He's fat.  He will be 3 years old on August 1st.  I am going to bake strawberry lime cupcakes for him.  Well, he can't eat them...but I will.  This is him relaxing.

I have a kitty cat named Rogue.  She's not even a year yet.  She's orange and white and kind of a bitch, but I like her that way.  Her tail is very fuzzy.

Dan and I don't have any kids.  I had a hysterectomy last year because of complication from Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, and PCOS.  We tried to have a baby for years.  I still suffer from the pain of endo, and even though I wish it was different, lots of my posts will probably deal with it.  Cause it sucks, and its a large part of my life.  I haven't figured out how to blame this on Iowa yet....but I am sure given enough time I can come up with something lol!

My best friend is Sonja.  She's awesome.  She lives down the street from me.  I still can't believe I live so close to her.  We met online because she has Endo too.  This was back when I lived in Hell.  She has a cat named Alex, and she's fat too.  The cat, not Sonja.

There isn't much else to tell.  I am sure by this time tomorrow I will have something to write about.  All I have now is that I feel better after my bath.  And I should have shaved my legs.  Oh well, hindsight.

Love and Cupcakes!